Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Letters

Gosh can time just slow down a bit?? It's already Friday and it's already the middle of July which means summer is almost over- no good. I honestly can't believe that it's the middle of 2012. Anyway while time is flying by let's chat about what I'm looking back on this week. Once again linking up with Ashley for


Dear Car: Why is it the minute I get done paying you off you decide to cost me more money?? After putting new brakes and rotors on plus all new tires now my fabulous car decided to not allow my windshield wipers to stop working. Best part is they are stuck in the middle of my windshield. Ugh! I know where I will be after work tomorrow- stupid car repair place and my adoring husband will be taking care of this for me. It is truly taking everything in me to not ditch you and get a new car. 

Dear Hubby: At the moment you're super crabby and not on my good side but thankfully you're now sleeping and you also took such good care of me on Sunday I don't think I can be mad at you at all this week. Thank you for letting me get a little crazy and drink a tad to much but you let me put my hair down and let loose- I however did pay for that dearly the next day. But you were so quick to take care of me and not throw it in my face. Love you! 

Dear New Dress Code: Today is the day! I hope I find you comfortable throughout the day- I will provide a picture of my fab new outfit next week. 

Dear Work Out: I've been kicking major butt and I'm very excited that I signed up for another work-out regiment called Krav Maga. It's a Israeli self-defense method of working out. Can't wait to see how else I can push my body. 

Dear 50 Shades of Grey: I am still half way through the 2nd book but I've been so busy with going back to work and working out I haven't really had a chance to read. Trust me you're still captivating and Mr. Grey is as sexy as ever and is still leaving me want more. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! 


  1. 50 shades is captivating! I'm almost done with the third!! It's still got my attention!

    1. Oh gosh I just want to know what happens!! Such a page turner. I'll be sad when it's over.

  2. haha the dear hubby one made me laugh!

    come say hi at

    have a great Friday!

  3. 50 Shades is amazing! I am still mildly obsessed with it. Car problems are the WORST. I hope it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg!

    1. I know it's like I don't want to finish the series bc I love it so much & I get so involved in the characters. Thankfully my hubby is handy so I'm letting him deal w my car. Haha.
