Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Social

Happy Sunday! I know most of you are enjoying this lovely 3 day weekend however I am working but I am at least off Monday & Tuesday so I'll take it! In my book Labor Day weekend officially marks the end of summer!!! Noo!!! I already miss it even though we are rocking out to this 80-90 degree weather. So this week's Sunday Social is a wrap up of my summer. Let's get started!

Sunday Social

What was your favorite trip/vacation/activity this summer?
I would have to say my favorite trip this summer was going up to our lake house at the start of summer on Memorial Day weekend. Sadly I haven't been up since. Here are a few photos from the weekend. 

Favorite outfit look of the summer/clothing item?

I LIVE in my Tory sandals. For me once I pull them out that means my summer has started! 

What is one thing you wish you had gotten to do this summer?
I would say spend more time in the city and go to the beach, it's sad to say but I've never been to the Chicago beach. By no means am I missing much I'm sure because it's a lake not the ocean but still it's all we got. 

Favorite Song of the Summer?

For sure have been ROCKING out to this song!! 

Favorite movie/tv show of the summer?
Hmm... this is a hard one. I would say Keeping up with the Kardashian's or the orginal cast of Teen Mom. 

Thanks for stopping by!! Hope you had a good summer! 



  1. Without a doubt, weekends at a cabin by the lake are my favorite summer activity - and I didn't get to go once this summer :( How did it go by so fast?!

    1. I know it FLEW by! We were talking about buying a boat and good thing we didn't because I wouldn't have been able to use it at all.

  2. love those flip flops! perfect summer staple!

    Happy Labor day weekend! Drop by and say hello!
